With every virtual instrument and effects going the authorization-software route, the creative process is burdened by software updates, patches and oh-surprise download updates… Internet connection required. 😟
Now before considering “oh a cool plugin”, do I really want to jump through all the hoops to have that extra piece of code running in the background.
There’s more. They default check-mark to sharing computer-specs and activity back to their servers. They are effectively pushing the security burden on the users instead of themselves.
Overall it’s a pretty aggravating user experience. Every platform has their own steps, which doesn’t even allow for a convention to ease effort. I hope that software providers shift their security model in a user-friendly format in the future.
Here are the steps when one of my software updates require an entirely new download.
- Download a new software version, from a web page.
- Unzip file
- Select install
- Accept terms
- Wait for internet connection verification
- Find credentials
- Type in credentials
- Find serial number
- Enter serial number
- Select download instrument / effect
- Boot up music software (DAW)
- Find plugins
- Route them to activate them
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